The electric closet

So, that's it. Everything I need for the electric infrastructure is there. To the left, you can see the openings where my Iport and stereo will go. I also have to add one 12 volt accessory outlet for the Iport to power the Ipod. But, that's easy.
Here is the D.C. circuitry. Getting that all squared away was tedious but not too difficult.
I like to keep things super clean and tidy, so if there are any problems, I can go through it and find out where the trouble is. It's the right way to work.
And, I added all of the clips necessary to attach the face plates and LED lights.
And, here's what the ceiling boxes look like.
I know it's all probably super boring, but to work it all out and to keep it clean and organized is quite the project. I'm glad it's over and I have a tremendous amount of satisfaction at having completed that part of the Roving Home.
I forgot to call the plastic company, today. The guy said my water tanks would be ready in a week. They've probably been sitting there, all this time, and now I'll have to wait before getting them, because my job requires me to be in L.A. every day, for the next couple of weeks.
Oh well. It wasn't in the stars to finish this before my big job. I'll be in Taiwan until June of next year. It's going to be an amazing experience, but I'm half excited to go, mainly because I won't be seeing my girl, but also because I've invested all of this time, so far, to try and get the Roving Home completed before leaving, and now it just won't happen. If I hadn't been called to work for two straight weeks prior to my departure, I think I may have had a chance. But, I fear that this will be my last post of any substance with respect to the Roving Home.
If anything changes, I'll let you know. Come June, this blog will be up and running again, full speed, ahead. I will dust off the table saw, lube up the drill press, back the rig into the driveway and hit it hard for about 3 weeks. After that, it's all leisure time.
Thanks for all of the comments and contribution to my blog. If it weren't for a few people suggesting that I should set up a blog for this project, I never would have considered it. But, I'm really glad I did. The experience has been amazing and will serve as the ultimate scrap book for the Ultimate Roving Home.